…about Pelvic Radiation Disease

Most people will experience some side effects during and immediately after radiotherapy finishes. Symptoms that start or continue 3 months or more after pelvic radiotherapy could be Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD).

The ‘Let’s Talk’ programme is open to anyone who is 3 months post pelvic radiotherapy treatment and living with any PRD symptoms.

  • Do you feel constipated or need to rush to the toilet, feel a lack of control of your bladder and/or bowels, or have rectal bleeding?
  • Do you suffer with wind?
  • Do you have pain in the pelvic area or feel fatigued?
  • Do you experience swelling or sore skin?

Do you feel that you don’t understand what is happening to your body? Are you wondering if its “just you” or have you been made to feel you are imagining it?

Throughout the Let’s Talk programme, we will discuss what PRD is, what it means for you and the ongoing support the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association can offer. During the programme there will be Ask the Expert sessions for any questions you would like to put to an experienced professional.

The programme sessions are held online and last just over an hour each week and will run for 5 consecutive weeks. Session groups will be small to allow everyone to feel comfortable and secure.

Upcoming Programmes… 

Our Let’s Talk programme is currently under further development, watch this space for future dates!

Please note that the ‘Let’s Talk’ programme is only available to people in the UK due to information and signposting being UK specific. If you live outside the UK we have other support services available: Online Community and Chat Together

Let’s Talk sessions are held on Zoom. If you are new to Zoom you can find information on getting started on the Zoom support page.

Visit our Support page to see our available services.

Our ‘Let’s Talk Programme’ has been made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund

Modified: 26th July 2023
