The PRDA online community has been set up as a peer support forum where people can ask questions and share their experiences of living with Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD).
Whether you identify as having PRD/ have a diagnosis of PRD, are a carer-partner, family member, or friend, we hope this community is a safe and supportive place for you to share your experiences and find information and support.
The PRDA online community is hosted on HealthUnlocked, a social network for health. HealthUnlocked is an open platform so anyone can view the support information on the communities it hosts, if you wish to participate in conversations we would recommend using an anonymous profile to maintain your privacy.
Please see HealthUnlocked Terms of use for further information. Anyone joining the PRDA Community should read PRDA Community Guidelines which are located in Pinned Posts.
The PRDA community is moderated by The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association and HealthUnlocked.
Need help with joining HealthUnlocked you can find all you need to know in this article.
Modified: 21st September 2023