The information we provide does not replace professional care. We provide an information service only and are unable to offer medical advice or connect you with healthcare professionals directly. Please seek advice from your doctor in the first instance to discuss concerns that your symptoms could be related to your previous radiotherapy treatment, regardless of how long ago you received it.

If you would like to know more about Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD) symptoms, the definition of PRD you can find detailed information on our ‘what is Pelvic Radiation Disease?’ page.

In October 2022 the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association published the Pelvic Radiation Disease Best Practice Pathway to support healthcare professionals address the holistic needs of people affected by long-term side effects of pelvic radiotherapy.

The document also enables people living with PRD to better understand their current care options and how to advocate for better care for themselves.

Our Resources page gives information about PRD and ways to self manage symptoms.




Medical papers

The Practical Management of Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Pelvic Radiation Disease (J Andreyev et al, 2014). This is the most comprehensive guide to managing gastrointestinal symptoms of PRD. Originally designed to help clinical nurse specialists in conjunction with a gastroenterologist to investigate and treat symptoms following pelvic radiotherapy. Dr J Andreyev et al, published in Frontline Gastroenterology 2014

Blogs and Features

Background Information

  • About Us – for information on PRDA’s background and more.
  • Copies of our literature can be found on our Leaflets page.

Modified: 28th February 2024
