PRDA’s definition of Pelvic Radiation Disease
Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD) is a set of ongoing symptoms that can affect people who have had pelvic region radiotherapy for cancer. Symptoms can start or continue 3 months or more after radiotherapy and arise due to damage to internal organs or skin. Some symptoms may start years or decades after radiotherapy. You can find further information on the symptoms of PRD on our What is Pelvic Radiation Disease page.
PRDA Resources
The Pelvic Radiation Disease Best Practice Pathway has been developed to support healthcare professionals address the holistic needs of people affected by long-term side effects of pelvic radiotherapy. The document also enables people living with PRD to better understand their current care options and how to advocate for better care for themselves.
Symptom Checklist – fill in this checklist and take it to your GP, cancer team or other health professional to help you discuss any symptoms you are experiencing after radiotherapy treatment that covered your pelvic region, however recent or long ago that treatment was. Using the checklist along with the PRD Best Practice Pathway will enable you to identify your care needs.
Diet, nutrition and Pelvic Radiation Disease – A guide to general information on managing late effects of pelvic radiotherapy with adjustments to diet.
Symptom diary Use the symptom diary to help you track your symptoms and which foods, drinks and/or medications may be impacting them.
We have put together a list of UK Services for people with late effects of radiotherapy. Services are free for NHS patients unless stated.
Read real life stories from people living with PRD.
Our media library has recordings from our past conferences which includes self-management of PRD, current research and management of PRD symptoms.
You can download PDF versions and request hard copies of our publications including our posters, leaflets and toilet card.
PRDA provides a number of support services for people living with the effects of Pelvic Radiation Disease.
Your Feedback Matters please tell us any thoughts, suggestions, or concerns you may have about the PRDA.
Share your experience of PRD, whether it is you or someone close to you who is affected by PRD.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Other online resources
- Cancer care map lists cancer services near you and available nationally.
- Search tool for finding local continence services.
- Information on Pelvic Floor Exercises including printable exercise guides.
- Information on sex, sexuality and cancer Cancer Research UK.
- If you are part of the LGBTIQ+ community, OUTpatients has a variety of resources and information available.
- The Great British Toilet Map is the UK’s largest database of publicly-accessible toilets, with over 11,000 facilities.
- Guts UK pioneer research to help people affected by diseases of the gut, liver & pancreas.
- Managing the bladder late effects of pelvic radiotherapy (Macmillan Cancer Support).
- Managing the bowel late effects of pelvic radiotherapy (Macmillan Cancer Support).
- Macmillan information and support for late effects of pelvic radiotherapy.
- Action Radiotherapy campaigns for access to the best radiotherapy for all.
Modified: 5th February 2025