Farewell to Rita, Carole and May It is with great sadness we share the news that three of our longstanding supporters have recently passed away. May Cropley was an early supporter. She helped...~
Morna’s mad March march for PRDA! Morna Notman from Perth has pledged to walk 300,000 steps (over 150 miles) in March to raise funds for PRDA. Due to the lockdown she can only walk around the ...~
Jane and Richard step down as trustees Farewell and enormous thanks to Jane and Richard After many years of incredible service and dedication to the cause of people with Pelvic Radiation Disease, ...~
“I want my life back” report by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust in collaboration with PRDA In collaboration with PRDA, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust have produced an important and revealing report about the difficulties people face in accessing support...~
2019-20 PRDA Annual Report PRDA has now published its annual report for 2019-2020, which you can download here....~
Can you help with this Gynae cancer project? Can you help a research team from Lancaster University better understand how radiotherapy affects social, sexual and personal lives? If you have ever received ...~