Advanced Specialist Practitioner in Pelvic Radiation Disease Band 8a. We are delighted to announce the opportunity this new post on a 3 year Contract. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is a regional cancer centre offering radiotherapy...~
Trigger Project video My Clinical Outcomes, Macmillan Cancer Support and The Royal College of Radiologists have been working in partnership to remotely monitor patients who may be ...~
Annual Supporters’ Meeting – March 2019 The PRDA Annual Supporters Meeting will be held at 2pm on Thursday 21st March 2019. Venue – Medical Society of London, 11 Chandos St, W1G 9EB. Jervoise ...~
January Newsletter Load our latest newsletter here and get up to date with our members’ activities and news from the medical world....~
Kingston Support Group – Monday 21 January 2019 The Kingston Support Group will be meeting at 2pm on Monday 21 January 2019, in Room 22, The Mayo Centre, Eden Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1HZ until ...~
NCRI – top 10 research priorities The National Cancer Research Institute published the top 10 research priorities for living with and beyond cancer. The NCRI partnered with the James Lind ...~