Pelvic Radiation Disease Association 2022 Annual Conference focuses on pioneering document for health professionals 

Our 2022 Annual Conference was held on Saturday 1st October 2022 and consisted of presentations and discussions focused around the pioneering Pelvic Radiation Disease Best Practice Pathway.

The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association (PRDA) has worked with leading UK experts in late effects of pelvic radiotherapy to produce a world-first document, which guides the management of almost all aspects of PRD and supports the development of better services and pathways. 

The Annual Conference saw the launch of the Pelvic Radiation Disease Best Practice Pathway, which is aimed at any healthcare professional who may have a role in caring for someone with symptoms of PRD. It is also an opportunity for patients to better understand their current care options and how to advocate for better care for themselves.

The PRDA22 was also a moment to raise awareness of the devastating impact of PRD on people’s lives, the range of symptoms and problems caused by PRD, and the many effective ways to manage them. 

Following on from the success of last year’s Annual Conference, the PRDA22 talks focus on some less-common PRD symptoms, including lymphoedema, vascular and bone problems, and the psychological impact.  

All the presentations from the 2021 Annual Conference remain on our website and are available to view for free. Topics include pain management, psychosexual difficulties, managing urinary problems and managing gastrointestinal problems. 

Following the 2022 conference, we will again make the full event available to view online. 

We would invite people to make a donation to Pelvic Radiation Disease Association to fund our future work in giving a voice to people living with Pelvic Radiation Disease and in sharing the Best Practice Pathway as widely as possible. 


Modified: 21st October 2022
