Research News Page is Live! Thanks to Tim Ward we are very pleased to now have a Research News webpage, which will be updated every couple of months with a new ‘edition’. All feedback ...~
Research News – August 2020 To kick off our very first Research News, I have looked at three very interesting and diverse pieces of research, covering management of PRD, prevention of PRD ...~
The 100 Challenge – Anyone Can Do It! Inspired by Captain Sir Tom’s walk for his 100th birthday? Wasn’t it incredible? It just goes to show we can still make a difference even if we are ...~
July 2020 Newsletter Find news of our new Trustees and the 100 Challenge in our July Newsletter. Please get in touch if you would like to sign up for the next edition....~
Cancer Care Map highlights PRD PRDA know that despite COVID restrictions being lifted, Pelvic Radiation Disease will keep many in ongoing Lockdown. This is covered in a new blog on the Cancer...~
26-hour Danceathon raises £5,200 for PRDA On 9th-10th May 2020, PRDA Trustee Dr Lesley Smith completed an incredible 26 hour danceathon to fundraise for PRDA. As well as dancing for 26 hours, Lesley ...~