[15th January 2025]

A recent Public Consultation from the Department of Health and Social Care in partnership with the NHS, asked for views from both organisations and individuals on what should be included in a new 10 Year health Plan for England.

Public Consultation questions to organisations:
Q1. What does your organisation want to see included in the 10-Year Health Plan and
Q2. What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to move
more care from hospitals to communities?
Q3. What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to making
better use of technology in health and care?
Q4. What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to spotting
illnesses earlier and tackling the causes of ill health?
Q5. Please use this box to share specific policy ideas for change. Please include how
you would prioritise these and what timeframe you would expect to see this delivered in,
for example:
• Quick to do, that is in the next year or so
• In the middle, that is in the next 2 to 5 years
• Long term change, that will take more than 5 years

We invite you to read our full response to these questions:

PRDA Submission in response to new NHS 10 Year HealthPlan for England

You can find the details and questions asked to individuals in our November 2024 update NHS England Public Consultation.

The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association urges the Government to integrate comprehensive, networked radiotherapy late effects services, including integrated psychological care, across all NHS regions, as part of a wider initiative to improve supportive oncology care across primary, community and secondary care.

This includes equipping patients with the resources to self-manage where appropriate, creating clear pathways for patient care, investing in staff education, and significantly building research capacity.

By prioritising development of services and research, we can improve quality of life, reduce future healthcare costs, and empower people to take control.