[27th November 2024]
10-Year Health Plan for England
NHS England and the Government have recently published a consultation to gather your views on ensuring the health service is fit for the future. The Government seeks your experiences, ideas, and opinions as part of this consultation to help shape the 10-Year Health Plan for England.
Participation is entirely voluntary and anyone over the age of 16, living in England, can take part. Whether you complete all sections or just the ones that are important to you, it’s important you have your say. If there are any questions you don’t want to answer please make sure to press ‘next’ to move through the survey and submit your answers at the end to make sure they are saved.The deadline for public submissions to the 10 Year Health Plan Consultation is Monday, 2nd December 2024 at 5 PM.
PRDA needs you!
The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association (PRDA) wants to see a world-leading 10 Year Health Plan that places quality of life at the heart of improving care for people with Pelvic Radiation Disease. Our main asks are listed below, if any or all of these matter to you personally please take part in the consultation and feel free to include them in your response:
- A bigger focus on services that improve quality of life – helping people to live as normal a life as possible after treatment for cancer.
- Equal access to appropriate and co-ordinated care for all by establishing radiotherapy late effects services across the whole of the UK.
- Professional education and training on PRD for G.Ps, specialists and all other healthcare professionals involved in the care of people living with PRD.
- The provision of resources to support patients to self-manage (e.g. by recording and monitoring symptoms).
- The development and implementation of digital tools that allow people to easily record post-cancer treatment symptoms, and have these reviewed by clinical teams who can respond appropriately.
- Patients to receive sufficient information at the end of their cancer treatment to know where to go for help with symptoms in the future.
- Medical coding to ensure that a PRD diagnosis and all PRD symptoms are recorded in NHS patient records.
- Much greater levels of research into PRD, including interventions that could prevent or limit its impact.
Though this consultation is regarding NHS England, the PRDA welcomes the implementation of all of these commitments across the devolved NHS systems of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
How to take part
To take part in the public consultation complete this survey
- A printable version of all the portal questions is available which can be returned by post to Thinks Insight and Strategy, West Wing, Somerset House, London, WC2R 1LA.
If you have any questions about the consultation or taking part, please contact: changenhs@thinksinsight.com