Please request in plenty of time prior to your event as items will be posted second class and we only carry a small stock of items, and may need to reorder.
    Where items have a suggested donation please donate via our Donate webpage, leaving a message with the reason for your donation.

    First Name

    Last Name

    Address 1

    Address 2






    State the number of items in the boxes below and click submit.

    PRDA Tshirt, round neck, 100% cotton, colour: emerald.
    Suggested donation per tshirt (includes postage and packaging) £13.00

    Tshirt small 36" to 38"

    Tshirt medium 38" to 40"

    Tshirt large 40" to 42"

    Tshirt extra large 42" to 44"

    PRDA Sweatshirt, round neck, 50% cotton 50% polyester, colour: emerald.
    Suggested donation per sweatshirt (includes postage and packaging) £23.00

    Sweatshirt small 36" to 38"

    Sweatshirt medium 38" to 40"

    Sweatshirt large 40" to 42"

    Sweatshirt extra large 42" to 44"

    Plastic collecting tin. Free.
    Required for collection in public places. Ensure a tamper-proof seal is in place. Please return tins to PRDA.

    Collecting tin


    Modified: 16th February 2020
