
This is the website of the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association (PRDA), a charity registered in England and Wales with charity number 1147802. This policy outlines the personal information we collect, how we use and store the information collected, and your rights to verify and amend your information.

Information that you provide

At certain places in the site we ask you to provide personal information so that we can provide services to you. Any personal information you may give us at the time will be kept to enable us to provide those services. At that time we will ask you if we can use your information for other contact purposes, but we will not use it for such unless you specifically consent.When you register for email updates, we collect your name and email address. We use this information to send periodic newsletters with news on PRD and to let you know when our website is updated.

The types of information that we keep, and what we do with it, are listed in our Data Protection Statement.

Other information that we collect

A cookie is a small piece of information that is automatically placed on your computer’s hard drive. Our website generates cookies when you visit it. PRDA does not capture or use these, except as described below. You can set your browser so that cookies are deleted when your browser session is finished.
We use tracking technology (currently Google Analytics) which in turn uses cookies to track your behaviour on this website. Google receives and store information about you including but not limited to; the type of web browser that you are using, your IP address, the operating system that your computer uses, and the URL of the site you were on before you reached this website. We use this information to produce anonymous statistics about the users of this website, including the numbers of unique visitors to the site, what software they use, and what part of the world they are from. In turn, these statistics are used to channel effort into further developing our site to meet the needs of our users and to better understand our audience as a whole.


PRDA will only use your personal information to provide you with details of products and services you have requested.  We may use the following marketing methods to communicate with you: post, fax, telephone, email, SMS or via applications available on the Internet, such as pop-ups, but only with your specific consent.  If at any time you do not wish to receive such communications, then you may opt out by emailing or writing to us (see “Contact us”, below).

Third parties

The PRDA will not rent or sell your personal information to any third party. The PRDA may share your personal information with our affiliates for use by those entities only in accordance with this policy. We may be obliged by law to disclose personal information about you to law enforcement agencies, government bodies or other third parties in respect of investigations of fraud, intellectual property infringement or other activity that is or may be illegal, in breach of a third party’s rights or for other regulatory purposes. The PRDA may disclose aggregated information about our users, including you, to third parties for the purposes of analysis by us or them. Where your personal information is collected on our behalf by third parties (such as for the purposes of surveys), we will ensure that they comply with this policy.

Transfer of your information overseas

We may process or store your personal information in countries outside Europe, for example our web servers may be hosted in a different country in future. The laws protecting personal information in those countries may not be as stringent as those applicable within the European Economic Area, however the PRDA will continue to hold and transmit your personal information in a confidential and secure environment as explained in this policy.


To safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information the PRDA implements security measures in line with industry standard practices. Our web servers are housed behind a secure firewall that prevents access to our databases from unauthorised users. All of our servers are housed in a secure environment and are protected by physical security, together with limiting access to authorised staff only. Even though we maintain security measures in line with industry standard practices, the PRDA cannot promise (and you should not expect) that your personal information or private communications will always remain private. For example (and without limiting the previous statement), third parties may unlawfully intercept your communications, or access our system or other networks which are connected to the Internet.

Access to your information

You should promptly notify the PRDA if personal information you have provided to us changes. If you wish to view, correct or otherwise amend any of the personal information we hold about you, please send an email to or write to us at PRDA, 62 Norbiton Avenue, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 3QP.  We will not charge you for correcting or amending your personal information, but we may charge you for viewing information held on you as permitted by UK legislation.

Contact us

If you require further information or have any questions regarding this policy, then please use the online line contact form, email us at , or write to us at 62 Norbiton Avenue, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 3QP.
